A Flurry of Fur
Weeks flew past as Silvie’s band of friends traipsed through the woods, taking in all of the novel sights and delights. Each new sunrise brought a cascade of color. Never before had Silvie seen such a wide variety of flowers and petals, and her companions took great pride in showcasing the sights and sounds of their beloved home.Wolfie brought them to a small watering hole where the sunlight streamed through the canopy, illuminating this small clearing. As the sun rose to its apex, a pool of water sat there perfectly alight and small flower buds on the edge of the pool slowly unfurled and bloomed, stretching their velvet petals towards the honey-soaked light. They stood entranced around the pool, watching the miniature petal dance unfold. But before long, the sun passed through its zenith and the blooms withered away, hibernating until the next peak.
Even Hopper had his own secret glen. Passing under gnarled tree trunks and thickets so dense that even Wolfie had a difficult time squeezing through, he led them all into a peaceful clearing. Standing majestically and triumphantly at the center was a massive oak tree — its canopy soared as high as the Archive’s arches. As Silvie took in the sights, she noticed scurrying movement all around. Surveying the trees, she saw dozens of squirrels! They were scampering and jumping between branches, filling the air with the sounds of rustling leaves.
Thunk. Thunk. Thunk
Suddenly, small acorns began falling from the trees, thudding into the ground, and another swarm of squirrels quickly harvested the fallen seeds. Their party watched on in awe as the squirrels, in practiced unison, agitated the oak and collected the acorns. With their curiosity piqued, they trailed behind the collection crew to see where the acorns were being stored. Behind the massive oak was a cleared patch of dirt with a massive fire.
On closer inspection, the fire was coming off of the tail of a different breed of squirrel! What’s more, the acorn collectors were passing the acorns one by one underneath its embertail, roasting the acorns and cracking open the popped shells. The aroma of roasted acorns filled the air and, before long, Silvie’s stomach started to growl. Without hesitation, she ran back to the oak tree and gathered up her handful of acorns in her paws.
Once in line, she marched along, waiting eagerly for her turn to roast her batch. As she drew closer, the heat coming off of the embertail squirrel grew intense. Luckily her fur paws protected her hands from being burnt, and Silvie was able to come away with some freshly roasted acorns that she happily shared with her party. Now satisfied, they left the squirrel’s grove and continued their journey through the forest.
Filled with a sense of wonder and exploration, Silvie and her friends continued on their journey, however, the mood wouldn’t last long. As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, the sky flared in shades of angry oranges and reds. Loud cracks and shouts could be heard in the distance, and flocks of birds suddenly took flight, fleeing from the east. Wolfie cocked his ears back and growled low, urging his companions towards the source of the disturbance.
Fleeting Flight
The shadows flickered ominously against the violent glow as they rushed towards the scene. A herd of deer came crashing through the woods towards them, fleeing panickingly away from the source. Whatever was happening, it had the whole forest alerted. Vultures could be seen perched above, waiting for their opportunity no matter the outcome.Worry bubbled up in Silvie’s mind. What could be causing so much panic for these critters, who just earlier today were lounging around in the sun’s glow? The trees themselves shuddered with anxiety and the forest floor groaned in pain. Whatever was happening needed to be stopped or else this small paradise would be lost.
Without hesitation, they continued headlong towards the east. Without any warning, they were met with a wall of heat as the angry glow grew into an inferno. Flames hungrily consumed the dead brush on the ground floor, spreading tendrils of fire across the forest. Deadly vines circled up trees and snaked through the leaves, sparking new blazes. The cries of the forest creatures were being drowned in flame, and Silvie knew she had to do something.
On instinct, she pulled out her flute and played a tune filled with her deepest wishes. She couldn’t handle the forest fire alone. She needed friends. The biggest friend she could think of! Feeling a tingle course through her, she finished the trill just as the ground shook behind her. A massive shadow eclipsed her from above, and she looked up to see Shelly stomp into view. On cue, he unleashed a torrent of water from his mouth, spraying down the burning cinders immediately surrounding them.
They could do it! Slowly they made progress, halting the fire from spreading any further in their direction. Wolfie and Hopper did their best to help, rescuing animals trapped under fallen trees or stuck in the brambles. The heat grew more bearable as steam started to fog up the area. Just a little bit more! They could beat this disaster together! Silvie played a jaunty tune to keep her friends motivated and healthy while they battled against the elements.
Before long, they emerged from the fog cloud. Only a few embers remained. However, they found themselves face to face with a group of soldiers carrying torches and axes, shouting angrily at them. They didn’t seem up for chatting!
Fear and Ferocity
Arrows whistled through the air, and Silvie jumped back in surprise.Cla-cla-clank.
The steel tips bounced off of Shelly’s backside, and he let out a massive roar in surprise. Vicious marauders in suits of armor charged at them sharpened blades prepared to strike. Silvie wasn’t sure what to do or where to run to. She’d never been in a battle before. Oh no. Would her friends get hurt? Or worse? What could she do!
She froze, staring at the soldiers coming at her, when all of sudden the one in front just disappeared — sucked out of view. Slightly confused, the soldiers continued to move forward, until another person stepped into a puddle and vanished. Small bubbles floated to the surface. Then more started to foam to the surface. The entire puddle was rising! An enormous pool of water emerged from where those soldiers disappeared, bubbling and fizzing as swords and shields were dissolved away.
Towering almost 10 feet high, the watery blob rolled towards the marauders, hungry or angry, Silvie couldn’t tell. Shelly continued to spray jets of water, stunning and slowly down some of the soldiers. Silvie continued to play a jaunty tune, inspiring her allies and strengthening their resolve. However, one attacker had managed to avoid the rampaging slime’s detection and snuck around toward Silvie’s flank. With a sudden shout, he raised his shortsword and swung down towards her. Alerted by the shout, Silvie cried out, attempting to ward off the strike with her flute, but her reactions were too slow; she couldn’t parry the blade in time.
Wooosh. Grrrrr.
Silvie felt herself pulled back suddenly by the shirt. A blaze of fur rushed past, and the steel sword bit deep into Wolfie’s hide. A deep growl reverberated. Gnashing teeth and a snarling maw made it obvious that the attacker had messed with the wrong foe. In a flash, Wolfie took care of the opponent, leaving the remains for the slime to clean up.
Before long, the marauders had either been defeated or fled from the scene. Oozy, as Silvie named their new blue slime friend, was happily cleaning up the leftover mess. Shelly had put out the remaining cinders of the forest fire around them. Finally! They had saved the forest!
Funny Feline
A soft chill fell over the forest clearing. The woodland creatures emerged from their burrows and nests to help clean up the torched landscape. Raccoons scurried around, picking up twigs, brushing up ash, and finding shiny trinkets. Massive boars helped clear out fallen tree trunks and some of the larger carts left by the marauders. Silvie noticed that the carts contained pretty hefty equipment: heavy axes, unlit torches, and iron shovels. The side of the cart was emblazoned with the emblem of a golden eagle with wings outstretched across a cyan sky. She hopped onto the cart and watched in marvel as a cunning raccoon unlatched the various satchels, digging through each pouch diligently for treasure. He even found a small pickaxe to help tear open some of the burlap sacks!Thump
The earth shook underfoot.
Surprised, but prepared this time, Silvie and her entourage braced themselves for the worst. Reinforcements?
The blackened leaves shook loose from the trees. Dust billowed from the ground, like an ominous earthen heartbeat.
Tree trunks splintered apart as a massive paw broke through the forestry. A mighty mane of aquamarine burst through, massive wings furled out. An explosive roar punctured the air as a grand winged lion emerged.
“Who dares tear at the heart of Gaia!” The lion’s voice boomed, reverberating in Silvie’s head. He turned his eyes down to glare at the cart that Silvie was sitting in and focused his gaze on her tiny visage.
“You filthy two-legs, how dare you desecrate this sanctuary!”
A massive paw rose from the ground, gleaming claws extended, threatening to come down on Silvie and the cart. Before the winged lion could attack, a flurry of birds darted at his mane, nipping at the thick hairs and chirping in his ears. The boars charged at his standing leg, recklessly headbutting his stationary ankle. Wolfie growled at the lion in warning, hairs raised all over his body in anticipation. Even Shelly shot out small jets of water at the lion’s face, annoying and distracting him.
After seeing humans wreck repeated travesties in the forest, the winged lion Vertus had grown weary and suspicious of all two-legs. However, he was surprised by this sudden and adverse reaction by the forest creatures. Had they also not had their homes robbed by these monsters?
With curiosity exceeding his suspicion, Vertus calmed his fury and listened intently to the voices of the forest. Slowly, surprise grew on his feline features. This small human had saved the forest? Unbelievable. She was traveling with animals from Nimue’s domain? And then had rushed to fight off the previous marauding band of humans clearing and destroying the forest? Each tale grew more impossible to believe.
He knelt on his massive frame and regarded the small human intently, her innocent joy and awe reflected in her expression.
“Where do you hail from, strange human?”
With absolute disregard for the question and Vertus’ intimidating presence, Silvie threw her arms around his turquoise mane.
“Cute kitty!”
Foreseen Future
Vertus escorted Silvie and her friends out of the razed forest. Critters stared in awe as their fierce guardian of land strode side by side with this small human. Silvie told Vertus all about her journey so far: meeting Nimue at her lake and wandering around with Wolfie and Hopper, the squirrel operation they snuck into, meeting Shelly and Oozy, and so many stories about Lorraine. All Vertus could do was nod along in contemplation.Before long, they arrived at a small shrine at the base of a mountain. Silvie noticed the small statue on a pedestal. Carved out of a marble was a statue of a beautiful maiden draped in flowing robes of silk. Motifs of various animals and beasts encircled the pedestal, indicating great respect and exaltation for the woman.
Vertus cleared his throat before continuing.
“This is a shrine to our goddess Gaia, who shelters all of the woodlands. An audience with you has been requested. Please approach.”
Silvie stepped up to the pedestal, not quite sure what was transpiring. She looked more intently at the figure and noticed that her eyes were embedded with emeralds. A light almost seemed to flare behind the gems, meeting her gaze. A delicate voice wrapped around her mind, whispering a strand of gossamer into her ears.
You truly are a treasure of joy to behold, my dear.
Silvie cocked her ears, trying to locate the source of the voice.
“You’re the second strange lady to talk to me on this trip!”

What will happen in this fateful meeting between Gaia and Silvie?!
Find out next time on Archive Chronicles!
Will Silvie stumble into another hole?
Find out next time on Archive Chronicles!
Will you jump in with her?
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